About Us

The Lower Brule Sioux Reservation is located in central South Dakota on the western edge of the Missouri River.

The topography of the Reservation is characterized by rugged breaks adjacent to the Missouri River that gradually give way to gently undulating prairie. Grasslands dominate the landscape but agriculture is prevalent in areas that are conducive. This diversity of habitat is ideal for many species of wildlife. The hunting opportunities that exist on the Lower Brule Sioux Reservation are second to none. Prairie-chickens and sharp-tailed grouse are abundant. Exceptional mule deer and white-tailed deer are harvested annually. Pheasant hunting is world class. The Reservation is located within the central flyway and at times has over one hundred thousand staging ducks and geese. Wild turkeys, which were extinct for decades, have been successfully reintroduced and are flourishing. Buffalo and elk have also been successfully reintroduced and provide a unique hunting experience.

The Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Department of Wildlife, Fish and Recreation has been actively managing the wildlife resources and improving habitat on the reservation for over 50 years. Population surveys are conducted annually on all game species. At the end of the hunting seasons, all hunters are sent questionnaires and asked to provide information that helps biologists determine harvest rates of game species. This information is used to develop recommendations for the following hunting season. Thousands of trees and hundreds of acres of food plots are planted annually. In addition, thousands of acres of marginal cropland has been restored to grasslands in the last decade. Rare and endangered species such as black-footed ferret and swift fox have been reintroduced. Few agencies are managing wildlife at the level of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe. Ask us about our new cabins where you can relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Missouri River guaranteed to heighten your hunting, fishing, hiking or viewing experience.

Lower Brule is outdoor recreation at its best. For more information, please call the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Department of Wildlife, Fish and Recreation at (605) 473-5666 or Contact Us by email.

Package Hunts
Package hunts are available for elk and buffalo. These hunts include an experienced guide, field dressing of your elk or buffalo, and transportation to a local locker if needed.

Big Game Unit/Huston Unit
Three thousand acres of rolling river breaks in the Big Game Unit is the home for the Tribe's buffalo and elk herds. In addition the 2400 acre Huston Unit also has a buffalo herd. Special hunts consist of your choice of hunting dates, stalking by foot and a guaranteed shot at a buffalo or elk you can be proud of. All hunts are conducted in a sportsman-like manner.

Grassrope Special Hunting Unit
This unique 7,000-acre river bend area is intensively managed for crop and wildlife production. Approximately 5,000 acres of irrigated corn and bean fields provide ample surplus food for wildlife. The rest of the area is managed as wildlife habitat including shelterbelts, upland bird nesting cover and food plots. The area abounds with white-tailed deer, prairie- geese, ducks, and of course, pheasants. The Tribal Wildlife Department manages it as a special pheasant hunting unit (4 bird daily limit, longer season, additional $50/day plus regular upland bird license). Deer hunting on the Grassrope Unit is by archery or muzzleloader only - no rifles allowed.

Waterfowl Hunting Opportunities
GEESE: Goose hunting is available on a free-roam basis in and around irrigated croplands. Popular areas include the former Mni Sho Sho Goose Camp (aka Clark Farm), the Grassrope Unit and Iron Nation North.


A flooded corn pond is available at Medicine Creek; there are no blinds or other amenities and hunting may be done with no additional fees (need daily or seasonal waterfowl license).

Licensed Guides
The Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Department of Wildlife, Fish and Recreation offers a workshop for tribal member guides and outfitters. The guiding license fee is waived for those individuals that complete the workshop and are recommended to hunters who request guiding services. Tribal member guides and outfitters offer services for sharp-tailed grouse, prairie-chicken, pheasant, waterfowl, mule deer, white-tailed deer, prairie dog, and turkey. Follow this link for a list of this year's licensed hunting guides: /hunting-guides/.  Guides are not required for hunting on the Lower Brule Sioux Reservation.

Missouri River Recreation Areas
Three recreation areas are on the Missouri River. Wata Onazin is in Lower Brule Next to Rural Water. From Lower Brule, Iron Nation Recreation Area is 10 minutes west and Little Bend Recreation Area is 9 miles north. Each area has a boat ramp, dock, fish cleaning table, lighted parking, picnicking areas, and playground equipment. In addition, Cedar Creek has a primitive boat ramp. A Recreation Permit is required at all recreation areas as well as to fish along the Missouri River and for ice fishing access (state fishing license is required for non-tribal members). This permit is available online for your convenience or may be obtained at the Wildlife Department office.

Paddlefish Season
Tribal Members Only: May 1-31.  Please call for more information.