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2024 Upland Bird Season Outlook
Posted 8/28/24 (Wed)
The 2024 pheasant brood numbers were significantly higher than last year. Compared with the 2023 survey, total pheasants per mile were higher (by 72%). Although this number looks exceptional, please consider the fact that 2023’s counts where among the lowest counts in our department's history.
Compared with the previous 5-year average (2019 – 2023), total pheasants per mile were 2% higher. Compared with the previous 10-year average (2014-2023), total pheasants per mile were 11% lower.
Weather patterns have been mixed with last fall experiencing average rainfall. Winter was fairly mild with little to no snow cover throughout. This summer has consisted of above average rainfall which allowed for good nesting and brood rearing cover. Average brood sizes were higher than 2023 (7.6 chicks/brood) this year indicating average chick survival.
Prairie grouse (prairie-chicken and sharp-tailed grouse) spring lek surveys showed a 4% increase in breeding males compared to counts last year (7% higher for prairie-chickens and 5% lower for sharp-tailed grouse). Due to fair nesting conditions and brood rearing conditions, we expect grouse chick survival to be fair, similar to pheasant chick survival.
Habitat conditions are above average this year because of an unusually high amounts of precipitation in mid-late summer. Grass cover is above average to good and food plots and pollinator plots are good. Many prairie wetlands have recovered since last years drought but some are still dry.
Overall, pheasant hunting should be less challenging than last year but harvests will likely still be lower than 10-year averages. Prairie grouse hunting should be above average this year compared to the long-term averages. We continue to manage about 7,000 acres of CRP grassland, 700 acres of food plots and pollinator plots, many shelterbelts and over 60,000 acres of Walk-in Hunting lands.
Licenses are available on-line or by phone. The office will be open from 8 – 4:30 on weekdays and Saturdays (October 1 – November 19).